Monday, March 08, 2010

Time Travel... JULY 2009

Oh how could I forget July... it was the month that I discovered this:

So, July 8th was the day I discovered I was going to be a mama! It was early morning and I was getting ready to go on a trip to Colombia to see my dad and my little sister that day. Brooks was on his way out the door to work and due to lack of time of coming up with a "cutsie way" of telling him that we were going to be parents I just handed him the pregnancy stick. We were so surprised and it was a memorable moment that at the time felt so surreal!

Colombia was beautiful- my dad took us to a piece of land he bought in a rural town where we visited an orphanage. Our little baby in m y belly experienced many things that trip including horse back riding and repelling waterfalls. It was an amazing trip and so fun to spend time with my little sister Mandy and my dad!

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