Sunday, April 04, 2010

Dear Nixon, Why are you so worried?

Dear Nixon, 
Why do you always have a worried face? Your eyebrows and wrinkled forehead give it all away. You look worried about this unknown and big world you face and these parents who sing you weird made up songs off key and like to make your mouth move when you are asleep as if you were talking. But I assure you that you are in good hands. No really, I promise. I promise to  keep you warm and safe. I promise to make sure your belly is full and your diaper is dry. We will take you all over the world and show you many things and I promise we can play every day. 
Smooth out those wrinkles...
let those worries wash away...

we are here to stay...
much better.


veronica almeida said...

I love reading your post knowing that you are a good mother and Brooks a good father and that Nixon was born of goodly parents. That has been the message in General Conference for the past few years.

Bianca said...

He will be well taken care of- that is for sure!